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Our Design Services are here to kickstart your projects and provide the momentum you need.

Pre-Design and Site Test-Fitting

Our pre-construction services involve collaborating with project owners, architects, engineers, and contractors to ensure a successful project outcome. We provide comprehensive planning and coordination services to ensure that all pre-construction activities are completed on time, within budget, and to your satisfaction.

Project Cost Estimating

Our project management services include comprehensive planning, coordination, and management of every aspect of your project. We work closely with project stakeholders to ensure that your project is completed on time, within budget, and to your satisfaction.

Development Strategy

Our construction oversight services involve monitoring the construction process to ensure that it is completed according to plan and within budget. We work closely with contractors and project stakeholders to identify and resolve issues as they arise, ensuring that your project is completed to your satisfaction.

Site Due Diligence

Our risk management services involve identifying and mitigating potential risks associated with your project. We provide comprehensive risk assessments and develop strategies to minimize the impact of potential risks on your project.

Entitlement and Permitting

Our budget management services involve developing and managing your project budget to ensure that it is completed within your financial constraints. We work closely with you to identify potential cost savings and ensure that your project is completed within budget.

Daily Project Management

Our schedule management services involve developing and managing your project schedule to ensure that it is completed on time. We work closely with project stakeholders to identify potential scheduling conflicts and ensure that your project is completed according to schedule.

Market Research and Risk Analysis

Our quality control services involve monitoring the construction process to ensure that it meets your quality standards. We work closely with contractors and project stakeholders to identify and resolve quality issues as they arise, ensuring that your project is completed to your satisfaction.

Owners Representation

Our change management services involve managing changes to your project scope, schedule, and budget. We work closely with you to identify potential changes and develop strategies to minimize the impact of these changes on your project.

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